A trade union focus on the SDGs - Country profiles 2022

In this edition: Argentina, Botswana, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Mali, Netherlands, Pakistan, Philippines, Senegal, Somalia, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Argentina
Trade unions in Argentina report very good levels of transparency, consultation and social dialogue. However, they raise serious concern over the recent agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on the restructuring of debt repayments, which will have negative repercussions on the country’s capacity for achieving the SDGs.

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Argentina 2022

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Botswana
Trade unions in Botswana criticise the fact that dialogue with social partners is only limited to the country’s Decent Work Programme. Instead, unions want a more structured approach to consultation across all ministries responsible for policies and programmes connected to SDG implementation.

SDG country report Botswana 2022

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Greece
Greek trade unions ask for policies that meet the SDG targets and ensure a recovery, which is guided by social objectives and prioritises closing the employment gap over closing the output and investment gap.

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Greece 2022
ΜΙα συνδικαλιστικη προσεγγιση στουσ ΣΒΑ - Ελλάδα 2022

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Italy
Despite a high level of transparency and well-structured consultation processes involving many stakeholders, Italy lacks a structured social dialogue on the implementation of the SDGs. Therefore, trade unions recommend that the government ensure greater participation of the social partners for an effective achievement of the national SDG targets.

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Italy
La prospettiva sindacale sugli SDGs - Italia

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Latvia
Trade unions in Latvia acknowledge that the government is addressing all Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, they denounce that these are not being made a high priority. Consequently, public fundings available to implement the SDGs are insufficient, which translates into a lack of progress, particularly on the SDGs related to health, education, inequality, and poverty.

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Latvia 2022

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Mali
The contribution of Mali’s trade unions to the country’s SDG plan has led to increased allocations in the national budget to address climate change, social protection, and access to health care. However, the resources available are still insufficient in relation to the scale of the needs.

SDG country report Mali EN 2022

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Netherlands
Although the Netherlands has incorporated the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into its overall policy process, trade unions criticise the government for not having established any structured social dialogue on the implementation of the Goals.

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Netherlands
Focus van de vakbonden op de SDG’s - Nederland

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Pakistan
Trade unions are not involved in the implementation of the SDGs in Pakistan. They call for full, structured participation in national effort towards sustainable recovery and resilience in key areas, including the green economy, environmental protection, creation of productive employment, decent work, skills development, and social protection for all.

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Pakistan

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Philippines
Trade unions in the Philippines warn of insufficient resources being allocated for SDG implementation. They call for social dialogue to apply more widely to all labour-related issues across government and for workers to be treated on an equal footing with employers, as SDG implementation is not currently discussed in tripartite fora.

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Philippines

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Senegal
Trade unions in Senegal want to contribute to the country’s effort to address the hardships workers face on a daily basis. The unions, therefore, ask to be more involved in the national plans and programmes for the implementation of the SDGs. They want to access information, participate in consultations and extend social dialogue to development issues related to workers’ living and working conditions.

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Senegal 2022

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Somalia
As a result of continued advocacy by trade unions, Somalia has made significant progress in its level and quality of engagement and consultation around national development processes. However, unions warn that insufficient resources have been allocated for SDG implementation.

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Somalia 2022

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Uruguay
The government of Uruguay is neither engaging trade unions in any consultation nor establishing any structured social dialogue on the country’s SDG implementation plan. In response, trade unions are giving the SDGs increasing prominence in their activities.

A trade union focus on the SDGs 2022 - Uruguay

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Venezuela
Trade unions in Venezuela criticise the government’s lack of transparency, consultation and engagement with all social partners on national SDG planning and implementation; meanwhile, the country remains far from reaching sustainable development.

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Venezuela

The comprehensive analysis of these reports can be read in the publication "A Trade Union Take on the SDGs 2022"