HLPF 2024: The timefor8 campaign is being prepared and needs your support

The ITUC is preparing its participation in the upcoming High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF 2024). As every year, the Forum marks the launch of the #timefor8 campaign on the central role of SDG 8 in advancing the 2030 Agenda.

The launch of the campaign “#Timefor8, the clock is ticking for a New Social Contract” is planned to take place sometime in June, after the International Labour Conference.

The campaign is a central tool to articulate workers’ demands for a new social contract with SDG 8 at its core. This edition will focus on the ITUC’s recommendations to the HLPF and the Goals under review: SDG 1 (end poverty), Goal 2 (zero hunger), Goal 13 (climate action), and SDG 16 (inclusive and peaceful societies). Furthermore, the campaign will feature messages from this year’s ambassadors:

  • Smritee Landa (GEFONT Nepal) on trade union actions to address poverty (SDG 1).
  • Marcela León (Central ASI Venezuela) on preventing malnutrion (SDG 2).
  • Rose Omamo (COTU Kenya) on promoting climate action (SDG 13).
  • Luc Triangle (ITUC) on the centrality of promoting democracy and sustainable development through social dialogue and a New Social Contract (SDG 16).

➡️Read the ITUC position paper to the HLPF 2024

Support this campaign

You can support this campaign by

  • interacting with all posts tagged #HLPF2024 #TIMEFOR8 on the ITUC’s social media feed (Twitter/X, Facebook, and Instagram); and
  • sending short videos (around 30 seconds) or pictures accompanied by a brief text. We are looking for union leaders, staff, and workers on the work floors to share how their unions are acting to address poverty and hunger, promote climate action, or defend democracy in your workplace or country.

➡️Send your materials by Sunday 23 June, 2024 to [email protected]