ILO: All ITUC Candidates Elected to the Governing Body of UN’s Labour Agency

All the candidates supported by the ITUC for election to the 14 titular positions and to 18 deputy positions reserved for trade unions on the Governing Body of the International Labour Organisation were elected at the ILO’s International Labour Conference in Geneva this week.

Brussels, 4 June 2008: All the candidates supported by the ITUC for election to the 14 titular positions and to 18 deputy positions reserved for trade unions on the Governing Body of the International Labour Organisation were elected at the ILO’s International Labour Conference in Geneva this week. The Governing Body, which is the executive body of the ILO, is comprised of 28 government representatives and 14 representatives each of employers and workers. It meets three times per year to decide on the ILO’s policy, programme and budget, and the agenda for the annual conference. It is also responsible for the election of the ILO Director-General.

“We are pleased with the outcome of the election for the worker delegates, which confirms the role of the ITUC, following the unification of the international trade union movement at our Founding Congress in Vienna in 2006,” said ITUC General Secretary Guy Ryder.

To see the full list of Governing Body members elected this week please click here

The ITUC represents 168 million workers in 155 countries and territories and has 311 national affiliates.

For more information, please contact the ITUC Press Department on +32 2 224 0204 or +32 476 621 018.