ITUC ensures workers’ voice is heard at the CSO Conference on Summit of the Future

The ITUC played a crucial role in the CSO Conference on the Summit of the Future (Nairobi, 9-10 May 2024), advocating for decent jobs, social justice, and sustainable development, ensuring workers’ voices are integral to global policy discussions.

The Conference gathered some 1500 non-state and civil society actors to discuss the forthcoming Summit of the Future that will take place in September 2024. It provided trade unions an opportunity for dialogue with the co-facilitators of the negotiations surrounding the Pact for the Future, the Global Digital Compact, and the Declaration on Future Generations.

During the event, the ITUC emphasised the urgency of prioritising sustainable and inclusive development for future generations. In addition, ITUC delegates participated in discussions on reforming the international financial architecture and aligning the Summit of the Future with other significant processes in terms of promoting social justice, gender equality, and decent-work-based sustainable development, such as the Commission on the Status of Women (Beijing +30) and the Second World Summit on Social Development in 2025.

Pact for the Future and next steps

The ITUC welcomes the wording of the revised draft of the Pact for the Future, which was issued a week after the Conference. Many worker priorities, including decent jobs for youth, are reflected in this new draft.

Despite these achievements, ITUC remains committed to engaging with governments and other stakeholders to ensure the final text of the Pact for the Future fully captures the aspirations and needs of workers worldwide.