Première réunion du Comité de Pilotage du Partenariat Mondial pour une Coopération Efficace au service du Développement

The Steering Committee of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (post Busan process) met for the first time in London on December 5-6 2012.

The Steering Committee, which is made up of eighteen members including three co-chairs (from UK, Indonesia, Nigeria), is tasked with preparing for the Ministerial Level Meeting of the Global Partnership which will take place before the end of 2013. At this first meeting in, the Steering Committee began to prioritize its work in order to develop a roadmap to the Ministerial Meeting. As trade unions we remain demanding party for full representation in the SC and we commit to work on the work strand on inclusive development.

Full summary of the meeting below:

Full summary of the Steering Committee [EN]