Saudi Arabia - Legal profile

Freedom of association / Right to organise

Freedom of association

Freedom of association is prohibited.

Anti-Union discrimination

The law does not specifically protect workers from anti-union discrimination.

Restrictions on workers’ right to form and join organisations of their own choosing

Single trade union system imposed by law and/or a system banning or limiting organising at a certain level (enterprise, industry and/or sector, regional and/or territorial, national)
Only one workers' committee can be formed in each qualifying enterprise.

Restrictions on trade unions’ right to organise their administration

Restrictions on the right to freely draw up their constitutions and rules
The government must approve the statutes and membership of the workers' committees.
Restrictions on the right to elect representatives and self-administer in full freedom
The Minister of Labour and Social Affairs and management have the right to send a representative to workers' committee meetings. The minutes of workers' committees’ meetings must be submitted to management and then passed on to the Minister.

Barriers to the establishment of organisations

Excessive representativity or minimum number of members required for the establishment of a union
Saudi workers have the right to set up workers' committees in workplaces in which more than 100 workers are employed.
Restrictions on the right to freely organise activities and formulate programmes
Public demonstrations of a political nature are prohibited.
Administrative authorities’ power to unilaterally dissolve, suspend or de-register trade union organisations
The Ministry of Labour may dissolve a workers' committee should it violate regulations or threaten public security.

Categories of workers prohibited or limited from forming or joining a union, or from holding a union office

Non-national or migrant workers
Foreign workers are not allowed to serve on workers' committees.
Sanctions imposed for organising or joining an organisation not officially recognised
Anyone who tries to form a union can be dismissed, imprisoned or, in the case of migrant workers, deported.

Right to collective bargaining

Right to collective bargaining

The right to collective bargaining is not protected in law.

Right to strike

Right to strike

The right to strike is prohibited.